Why aren't there any reservations coming in for my accommodation?

From the Weguest Revenue Management team, we work with all the tools at our disposal to generate the best economic performance for the properties we manage.

👉🏻We understand that a decrease in the number of bookings can be a concern, but before taking any further steps, several factors must be taken into account.


📍 In this article you will find information about:

  • How long have we been managing the property?
  • What season of the year are we in?
  • Have you made many calendar blocks?
  • Where is the property located?


How long have we been managing the property?

To achieve good economic returns, it is necessary for the listing to be mature enough on the vacation rental platforms. The maturity period is reached after several months, when the listing has rotated enough with a considerable number of bookings, thus achieving a good positioning. During this time, we will also obtain enough reviews to give the listing credibility and trust towards tourists.


What season of the year are we in?

It is important to consider an important factor, the seasonality of tourism. During the low season, the volume of bookings is lower than any other time of the year. When demand decreases, we apply a policy of lower prices but increase the minimum number of nights in order to maintain profitability. Normally, for the low season of the year, a strategy of selling at lower prices is followed with the aim of having more rotation, good reviews, and thus being able to sell at a higher price during the high season.


Have you made many calendar blocks?

Making too many calendar blocks worsens the positioning on the Airbnb platform, decreasing visibility and thus the number of bookings.


Where is the property located?

Another factor to consider is the location of the property. If it is in a coastal area and your tourism is seasonal, it is normal for there to be certain seasons where the flow of bookings is reduced. This is the normal trend of tourism and its seasonality. In this case, it is important to see the volume of bookings it has had during the summer season and understand that the bookings that come in during the low season are offset by those in the high season, holidays, or Easter. The management results should not be measured based on a single isolated month, but rather the annual result should be taken into account.


🍍If you want more detailed information, you can consult other articles in our Help Centre or contact us through our📩email:contacto@weguest.com. We will be happy to assist you.