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  2. Information for new hosts

Review of the advertisement and the schedule before starting

At Weguest, we want there to be complete transparency in the management of your listing and calendar. You will be able to check prices, property descriptions, and any information you want to obtain.


📍 In this article, you will find information about:


Listing review

Review all the details of your listing. Please note that we have created the listing for your accommodation based on the information provided in the property reception questionnaire provided by you. To review the listing, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Airbnb
  2. Click on Host and then on Listings
  3. Click on the title of the listing
  4. Click on preview listing
  5. Preview the profile (this is how guests will see it)


Calendar review

Review the pricing strategy, nightly prices, discounts, and blocks in detail. Please note that prices are dynamic and will vary to maximize profitability. To review the calendar, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to Airbnb
  2. Click on Host and then on Calendar
  3. Click on the title of the listing
  4. View the calendar by months


🍍If you want more detailed information, you can consult other articles in our Help Center or contact us via our 📩 email: contact@weguest.com or by phone at 900 101 957. We will be happy to assist you.