Integration of your Airbnb account into Weguest

Thanks to the integration of your account, we can access the information at the same time as you, thus streamlining management.

📍 In this article you will find information about:


Steps to integrate my account

  1. Log in to Weguest. Create an account on Weguest.
  2. Check your Weguest Integration Email in the My Data section of the Weguest Owner Area.
  3. Log in to Airbnb. Create an account on Airbnb.
  4. On the Airbnb website, click on the photo icon that appears in the top right corner
  5. Access the "Account" section.
  6. Click on "Personal Information".
  7. Replace the Airbnb email with the Integration Email generated by Weguest
  8. Click on Save (at the bottom of the page).
  9. You may be asked to confirm your Airbnb password.


What happens after integrating my account?

Everything stays the same! You will continue to have full access and permissions to your account and properties. You can modify any element you deem necessary. At all times, you will be able to see how your account is managed, communications with guests, reservations and payments, and view the calendar. You still have full control of your account.


Why do you need access to my account?

All the information we need to provide the best service to your property is in your account. This way, we also receive emails at the same time as you, we can respond instantly to your guests, or we can adjust prices in real time based on demand.


🍍If you want more detailed information, you can consult other articles in our Help Centre or contact us through our📩 We will be happy to assist you.