How to unlock the calendar

🔓 When can I unlock my calendar?

If you have blocked dates on your calendar, you can unblock them whenever you want.


🔒 In what cases can't I open the calendar?

  • If the block was made by Weguest, owners won't be able to open the calendar.

The reason why the option to open the calendar is not available is that, at Weguest, we consider it necessary to first check if the listing is optimized before opening dates.

And more importantly, that the price is appropriate for the dates it will be open, as the market naturally changes constantly.

To do this, our Revenue Management department will carry out market analysis and competition research to ensure maximum profitability for the accommodation and therefore, the highest amount of income for you.


If you haven't manually blocked the calendar and there are no reservations, but you see blocked dates, it means we are preparing or reviewing the listing.  



🍍You can also contact us through our📩email: We will be happy to assist you.