How can we improve your accommodation?

✌At Weguest, we have a strong commitment to our property owners and always work to offer a quality service that makes you the best hosts.

📍 In this article, you will find information about:

  • How do we identify possible improvements in your accommodation?
  • What do we do after identifying areas for improvement?
  • Why is it important to make improvements to your property?


How do we identify possible improvements in your accommodation?  

At Weguest, we carry out regular evaluations of our accommodations to identify possible improvements that result in increased quality and economic performance. Typically, these proposed improvements are associated with normal wear and tear from the use of the accommodation and guest turnover.


What do we do after identifying areas for improvement?

Once we identify these possible improvements, we will contact the owners with a detailed report of the actions to be taken. If you are unable to find a solution, Weguest can handle it for you, we just need your confirmation of the improvement budget.


Why is it important to make improvements to your property?

We consider these improvement suggestions to be very important. If they are not addressed, they can lead to poor evaluations and negative comments that can affect the positioning of your listing, and therefore the income and profitability of your property.


🍍If you want more detailed information, you can consult other articles in our Help Centre or contact us through our📩 We will be happy to assist you.