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  2. Managing of your property

Cleaning Service

The cleaning service is a very important point in which we make a great effort to ensure that everything is perfect for the next reservation.

⚡ Our cleaning service does not have a minimum or maximum time, we invest the time necessary to ensure that the accommodation is perfect.

📍 In this article you will find information about:

  • Main features of the cleaning service
  • When is the cleaning service performed?
  • Duration of the cleaning service
  • How is the quality of the cleaning service controlled?
  • What is included in the cleaning service?
  • Who provides the cleaning utensils and products?
  • What safety measures does Weguest take in the cleaning service?


Main features of the cleaning service

  • Cleaning is done by default on the check-out day: This guarantees maximum availability of the accommodation as well as control of the property's condition immediately after the guests' departure.
  • Standardized schedule: Cleaning is usually done between 11:30 and 17:00 on the guests' check-out day.
  • Thorough cleaning: The cleaning associated with a guest's reservation is a complete cleaning of the accommodation.
  • Quality partners: Our cleaning partners are companies validated by Weguest to offer a quality service. We will also try to ensure that the person who cleans your property is usually the same, to increase trust.
  • Possibility of inter-reservation cleaning services: A guest can request a cleaning during their stay. This cleaning will not be included in the price of the cleaning service and will incur an additional cost for the guest. (Inter-reservation cleaning services are subject to availability)


When is the cleaning service performed?  

We always perform the cleaning service upon guest check-out. We check that everything is in order and in its place, and we inform you of any circumstances that may arise.


Duration of the cleaning service  

The main objective of the cleaning service is to leave your property clean, tidy, and ready for the next reservation or for your return. There is no minimum or maximum time. The duration of the service is variable and will depend on the number of rooms in the property and each specific reservation. As a guideline, the cleaning duration will be 2 hours for a 1 or 2-bedroom apartment, 3 hours for 3-bedroom apartments, and 4 hours or more for 4 or more-bedroom apartments.


How is the quality of the cleaning service controlled? 

To guarantee an impeccable cleaning service, we have a cleaning protocol that our cleaners must follow. Additionally, there is a control through the Owner Areaof Weguest in the Services section, which consists of sending a checklist of tasks to be performed during the cleaning. All this information will also be available in real time through your Weguest Owner Area.

For more information, please visit Cleaning task control with the Weguest Owner Area.


What is included in the cleaning service?  

This service includes thorough cleaning of the bathroom/s, kitchen, and bedroom/s, as well as sweeping and mopping the entire accommodation and taking out the trash. It includes the following tasks:

  • Cleaning of the accommodation (surfaces, inside drawers, behind cabinets, under the sofa and bed)
  • Appliances check (refrigerator, oven, microwave, dishwasher, extractor...)
  • Cleaning and arrangement of cutlery and dishes.
  • Dispose of perishable food found in kitchen cabinets and refrigerator.
  • Replace 2 new rolls of toilet paper per bathroom.
  • Replace hand soap.
  • Make beds and place towels on the bed (1 large towel and 1 small towel per person)
  • Prepare sofa bed (only if necessary)
  • Check windows and shutters.
  • Check for stains or scratches on the wall
  • Organize objects (cushions, TV remotes, decorative objects...)
  • Dispose of kitchen and bathroom trash, and replace the bag.
  • Replace products when necessary: toilet paper, garbage bags, cleaning products, hand soap.
  • Turn off lights, heating, air conditioning, close windows and blinds.
  • Final check of the accommodation before leaving (check small details: possible hair in the bathroom and food residues in the kitchen, check surfaces, mirrors, shower screen..)


Who provides the cleaning utensils and products?  

At the beginning of the management, it will be necessary for the client to provide a series of cleaning utensils and products. Weguest will be responsible for replenishing the cleaning products afterwards.

These are the necessary cleaning utensils:

  • Mop and bucket.
  • Broom and dustpan.
  • Vacuum cleaner.
  • Ladder.
  • Clothesline and clothespins.
  • Small basin.
  • 2x Sponge (bathroom and kitchen).
  • 2x Yellow cloth (bathroom and kitchen).
  • 2x Cloth.
  • Cleaning gloves.

These are the necessary cleaning products:

  • Floor cleaner.
  • Degreaser spray.
  • Bathroom cleaner.
  • Glass cleaner.
  • Multi-surface spray.
  • “Fairy”.
  • Liquid hand soap (one per bathroom).
  • Pack of garbage bags.
  • Pack of 12 toilet paper rolls.


What safety measures does Weguest take in the cleaning service?

The cleaning is carried out by certified local providers. They also have a contracted liability insurance. Our cleaning company will inform us before and after each service and will sign a code of conduct and ethics. In addition, thanks to technology, Weguest monitors the services in real time to guarantee the highest quality.


🍍If you want more detailed information, you can consult other articles in our Help Centre or contact us through our📩email:contacto@weguest.com. We will be happy to assist you.